A Curious Visitor came to Cragside. He is called Alex. He visited the school at different times for a whole year.

As the seasons changed, The Curious Visitor noticed lots of sights and sounds. He noticed the rhythms of the school. Sometimes it was full of noise and energy. Other times it was quiet. He noticed nature, music, children, grown-ups, even pigeons. All part of the life of Cragside Primary.

The Curious Visitor asked children, teachers and staff what they noticed too. Here is what they noticed in Autumn.

Autumn: Pulse (Part 1)

I decorated a high vis jacket with a Sharpie before I set out from home. I thought it would be a good way to prompt questions as I made my way around the school. I drew question marks and the word “curiosity” in several languages. I promised myself to be as open and honest as I could. To stay in the moment, to listen, and respond.

I start to observe and record the sounds that shape the school day.

It quickly becomes clear that Cragside Primary is not just a school, but a living, breathing organism. A great deal of effort is put in to keep the school’s rhythm and pulse going. The effort begins well before the school day begins. Activities are planned months in advance. The momentum is never lost. It cannot be lost.

One of the first people I speak to is Mick Briganti, the facilities manager. Having been here for 21 years, Mick knows the place inside out. We talk about nature and waste. He introduces me to the pigeons that he raced in the past.

The young birds rely on the knowledge of the older racers to learn to bank and turn effectively. Sometimes they veer off and find themselves detached from the flock. They slowly improve, honing their skills through observation, trial and error, and sheer determination. Within a matter of weeks, they are an integral part of the flock.

Watching the young arrivals in Reception reminds me of the pigeons. Their first few weeks are all about exploration, trial and error and forging new friendships through play and imagination.

This inspires Autumn, which also includes a song that I hear at the school.

Autumn: Pulse (Part 2)

Everyone I meet is open, generous and welcoming.

Whoever The Curious Visitor is, and whatever it is they are doing, they are here and they are a part of us. We will get to know one another.

I record what people have to say. This becomes This Place, a compilation of staff’s voices talking about some of the things they see and hear at Cragside.


The children at Cragside showed The Curious Visitor lots of things around the school. Things that caught their eye. Things that they wanted other people to notice too.

Exploring and Investigating

Daring to be Different


Crafting and Improving

Playing with Possibilities

Wondering and Questioning

Making Connections

Using Intuition

Exploring and Investigating ※ Daring to be Different ※ Collaborating ※ Crafting and Improving ※ Playing with Possibilities ※ Wondering and Questioning ※ Making Connections ※ Using Intuition ※

Creative Team

Alex Elliott
Garry Lydon

With particular thanks to the Senior Leadership Team of Cragside Primary School.

Made possible with funding from Arts Council England.